Tuesday 23 December 2014


• Discuss the meanings of frequency adverbs. Perhaps present to the students the specific frequency of some activity and ask them which adverb would be best. Examples:

I drink coffee every morning of the week.  always
I drink coffee six mornings a week.  usually
I drink coffee four or five mornings a week.  often
I drink coffee two, three, or four mornings a week.  sometimes
I drink coffee once every two weeks.  seldom
I drink coffee once or twice a year.  rarely
• Other possible points to discuss:

(1) Usually and often are close in meaning. If any students want to pursue a distinction, you might say that usually is 95% of the time, and often is 90% of the time. Or you might say that usually means “most of the time, regularly” and often means “many times, repeated times, frequently.”

(2) Often can be pronounced /ɔfən/ or /ɔftən/.
(3) In discussing the difference between seldom and rarely, you might describe seldom as 5% of the time and rarely as 1% of the time.
Source: Betty Azhar

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6. http://buku2gratis.blogspot.com/
7. http://duniadownload.com/
8. www.academia.edu/
9. http://www.buku-e.lipi.go.id/
10. http://www.zillr.org/
11. http://www.snipfiles.com/
12. www.bookyards.com/
13. www.library.usd.ac.id/

Monday 22 December 2014

Must, should and Ought to

Kata must biasanya dihunakan dalam kalimat affirmatif (penegasan) yang berfungsi untuk memberikan perintah tegas dan nasihat kepada dirinya sendiri ataupun kepada orang lain
  • The students must go there soon.
  • The lecturer must come on time
  • You really must stop smoking
  • The children must say "sorry" to the teacher
Dalam artian lain must juga biasa digunakan untuk membicaran tentang kewajiban. Posisi must lebih tinggi (kuat dibandingkan dengan should dan ought to.
Should dan ought to memiliki makna yang sangat mirip dan seringkali bisa saling menggantikan satu sama lain. Perhatikan bahwa ought diikuti dengan to infinitive.
  • You should tell the truth. ATAU You ought to tell the truth.
  • She should be punctual. ATAU She ought to be punctual.
  • He should stop smoking. ATAU He ought to stop smoking.
  • She should find another job. ATAU She ought to find another job.
  • She should consult a dentist. ATAU She ought to consult a dentist.
Perbedaan antara should, ought dan must
Must lebih kuat dibanding should dan ought. Must biasanya adalah perintah. Sementara should dan ought to biasanya adalah nasihat.
Bandingkan contoh-contoh berikut:
  • He must give up smoking (Perintah yang mungkin harus dipatuhi)
  • He should/ought to give up smoking (Lebih bermakna nasihat bisa saja dipatuhi atau tidak dipatuhi)
  • She must wait (Perintah)
  • She should wait (Permintaan atau nasihat)
  • He must tell the truth (Benar-benar perlu)
  • He should tell the truth (Hanya nasihat/anjuran)
(adapted: englishgrammar[dot]org)
